Monday, March 2, 2020

Feli belated Saliolum

I was so caught up in celebrating Saliolum, it slipped my mind to mention it here! I've done scores (probably more than a hundred) theme events over the years, and none have been so buoyant and joyous as the brunch held at Paris In A Cup in Old Town Orange CA on Feb 29 of this year. I attribute the wonderful spirit of the day to those who chose to participate. Anyone willing to don sunflowers and celebrate Leap Day in the most ridiculous fashion imaginable was bound to bring a sense of whimsy with them when they entered the doors.
"Thank you for such an enjoyable day! I love your energy and creativity. I hope to see you at the outrageous etiquette tea and the overnight rail trip [to Portland]. I like the mental stimulation at your teas. The tea spoon was such a nice memento along with the sunflower lollipop. And the food at Paris in my humble opinion is the best! Cheers," Candace B.
As I've come to expect at Paris In A Cup, the food was outstanding, with dishes taken straight from the Saliolum Leap Day Traditions booklet I compiled for the Ocademy. Once we started talking about the origins of the day, regrettably, I forgot all about asking guests to share how they intended to take a Leap out of their comfort zone. I even forgot to lead the singing of the Saliolum song at the end! Sheesh, that'll teach me to have so much fun.

The day was also the release of Marked for Adventure, the 1st of 49 novellas in Peyton Drake's Omni Tale, to be publisheed every 6 weeks from here to eternity. Add to that, Leap Day was also Peyton's birthday, and the release of the first Chapter Commentary video on Youtube. I kept all that on the downlow though, since the focus was on Salilolum. I did however finally (after longer than I'd care to admit) institute a charm bracelet program whereby attendees get a free charm relating to each event they come to.

The next day I decided to hunker down and write personalized thank-you emails to all who signed up for the sold-out event. In truth, it was pretty darn tedious and took all day, but was so worth it to express gratitude to all who invested themselves in the day. I can't wait to see where we all are on our life's journey next Saliolum!